X-ray wiki

This is an image of a normal breast

Mammography involves the imaging of breasts using low energy ionizing radiation. Often referred to as a mammogram, these images are obtained to diagnose the breast. Mammography is used for the early detection of breast cancer and other breast diseases.

To become a mammographer one must complete a diploma/degree program in radiological technology. Several courses must be taken to become a certified mammographer, however these can be taken through correspondance.

A mammographer must have a calm, sensitive demeanor. They have to be technically inclined, well organized, communicate effectively, and be open to different cultures and their beliefs.

Mammographers must explain the procedure to the patients and answer questions to the best of their ability.

Mammographic units are available in hospitals, clinics, and even on mobile buses. These buses travel around to several areas within a rural district to provide this service to those woman who live in rural areas and have a difficult time accessing hosiptal services.


Bontrager, K.L. & Lampignano, J.P. (2005). Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy. Elsevier Mosby, 6th, Ed.
